To fully utilize your Chainstack account, you need to have a valid payment card linked to your account. Without it, you won't be able to take advantage of features like promo codes. If you encounter an error when adding a card, there are a few potential reasons for this issue.
Card Linked to Another Chainstack Account
Your card may already be associated with another Chainstack account. To verify, search through the inboxes of all your email addresses to check if the card is linked to an existing account.
Card Declined by the Issuer Bank
In other cases, the issuing bank might decline this card attachment. Please contact your bank's customer service for clarification. Unfortunately, Chainstack cannot resolve this issue, as it is under the bank's control.
These are the two most common reasons for a card being declined when adding it to your Chainstack account. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact Chainstack Support by emailing or submitting this form.
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